This project was developed using a Morph Tile definition written in Grasshopper and a requirement of the project was to produce a 3D print of the object that we created in Rhino. I began by developing a series of lines that would unfold, twist, shrink and expand the surface of the object.

At the beginning of the Grasshopper definition, I assigned all curves to the Curve function and lofted them. I setup a Divide function along with a Isotrim function, which divides surfaces into individual surfaces.
Two solid objects were created in Rhino to be used as the surface patterns. One object has an opening in the middle and the other object is closed. A Dispatch function was added to separate the True and False values created from the F2 function.

The final section of the Grasshopper definition is where the Dispatch information plugs into two different Box Morphs. The open solid geometry is attached to one Bounding Box function, and then into one Morph Box while the closed solid geometry is attached to the other Bounding Box and Morph Box. Essentially, the two different tile geometries are distributed throughout the surface, with the open geometry assigned to the larger areas, and the closed geometry assigned to the smaller areas. This is the final object that was used to create a 3D print.

The following images are of the 3D print model.
At the beginning of the Grasshopper definition, I assigned all curves to the Curve function and lofted them. I setup a Divide function along with a Isotrim function, which divides surfaces into individual surfaces.
This is where a Surface Box definition was added to create three-dimensional twisted boxes from the individual surfaces. The Area function was added to analyze the area of each surface, which is attached to a 2-Function definition, set as x>y. Notepads were added to the Area and F2 functions to see the results.
Two solid objects were created in Rhino to be used as the surface patterns. One object has an opening in the middle and the other object is closed. A Dispatch function was added to separate the True and False values created from the F2 function.
The final section of the Grasshopper definition is where the Dispatch information plugs into two different Box Morphs. The open solid geometry is attached to one Bounding Box function, and then into one Morph Box while the closed solid geometry is attached to the other Bounding Box and Morph Box. Essentially, the two different tile geometries are distributed throughout the surface, with the open geometry assigned to the larger areas, and the closed geometry assigned to the smaller areas. This is the final object that was used to create a 3D print.
The following images are of the 3D print model.